First came the "socialist boxes, a sort of combo that included biscuits and soft drinks have labels containing messages related to the revolution and central government. "I'm with Chavez," said the identifications. Now that classes begin, the First Justice party representatives called on parents and representatives to monitor the content of books and homework that are assigned to children.
According to Andres Bello, Caracas coordinator of Primero Justicia, seat the party have received many complaints, among which the delivery of a series of handbooks and guides to teachers and to implement an educational model based on politics.
100 grains, guns, roses and books is the name of the publication that was given to the teachers of the capital. "This book is a clear example of the quest to establish a thought to our children, to repeat the name of the President or slogans in an estimated 500 times," said Bello.
(El Universal, pp. 3-4, 27/09- Beatriz Cruz Salazar, El Nacional, pp. A-4, 27/09, The CarabobeƱo, pp. A-9, 27/09- Mary Carmen Arias)
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