Monday, September 24, 2007

Invitation For Kosove

Art Exhibition Internet 18 @ 18

In 1989, world leaders decided that children and teenagers needed a special convention only for them, because, unlike adults, often need special care and protection. The leaders also wanted to ensure that the world recognized that children and adolescents are also human rights.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child celebrates its 18 th anniversary and as part of activities to celebrate this historic event Voices of Youth want to organize an international art exhibition with presentations by children and adolescents. The

and applicants must choose one of the articles of the Convention and to submit their artistic interpretation of it. The work must include a explanation of 300 words on how they perceive the Convention and how the selected item has particularly impacted. The work can be a painting, a collage or a photograph.

Deadline: Send the design, with personal information as soon as possible but no later than November 20, 2007. There are two ways you can send your submissions: e-Voices of Youth: , and the Office of UNICEF in New York: UNICEF Voices of Youth, 3 UN Plaza, NY, NY 10017.

Information: Nicolas David, Cooperating UNICEF Venezuela, Telfs.: +58 212 285.83.62/287.06.22 / 284.56.48, Fax: +58 212 286.85.14, E-mail:


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