Friday, April 24, 2009

Military Tires California

tale of two families

"We return September to rest The Simpsons, "said Daniel Muñoz to receive one of the prizes awarded to the series The Eighty in the latest version of Altazor.

The Simpsons and The Eighty are precisely two workhorses Recent Channel 13. The Animated Series is the wildcard that takes hours and hours of air, generating less presumiblemenmte production costs propuia. The national series was the last product papal television station which combined what I call the "three P "to which all should aspire television company: Public, Prestige and Silver.

The presence and relevance of both programs at the 13 may seem strange on the surface, but not for anything in the background.

Under all sarcastic and irreverent mantle of the idea remains unchanged Simpson family as the source and refuge of all conflict. The world around Simposon may collapse, but the family persists. Obviously, it is a requirement of the serial narrative, but no value judgments without consequences. In almost every chapter, the Simpsons played with a dysfunctional family and rub the break without ever reaching it. A Catholic should feel ecstatic.

Obviously, it is less strange that the Eighties have been bought by Channel 13, although Daniel Muñoz's speech in Altazor was a reference to bureaucratic resistance to the show's producers had to overcome within this medium. If there was such barriers are inexplicable in light of a real story where the protagonist, even more than the historical era is the family. The last chapter of the series takes care to clarify this when the character stops dead Muñoz and cries a discussion among their children, warning them, as many children have heard in those years, that "this house will not discuss politics."

The family model of the eighties is a mathematical model to be impervious to the outside world, the complexity of a democratic society or, if necessary, the complexity and danger of a democratic refelxión under the power of a dictatorship. The family is raised by the Channel 13 series and the level of a dogma that stands against the integration of people with a social life consists of facts and different options.

eighties, at least their first season, wore a family ideal that, like that of Simpson, resist any internal or external onslaught. For Channel 13, the family is not only the core of society, but the whole society. Or at least all of society that counts.


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