Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Can I Golf After Cervical

Tomorrow's "Eating Animals" and vegetarianism review:

’ s “ ” Eating Animals and vegetarianism review: Along

Friday, March 5, 2010

Natural Remedies For Postpartum

donate much in Chile Teleton Chile

Patricio Urzua, who works with me on the radio, we calculate how much each family should donate according to their income and number of members to achieve the goal of 15 billion pesos. We took the

Description of socioeconomic groups in Chile for the years 2006-2007 Corpa company, which has the advantage of expressing the range of income from all socioeconomic strata in UF, which made it possible to calculate inflation.

Leaving out of the calculation socioeconomic D and E, lower earnings and because that was the highest number of victims. For a population

of 15,116,435 inhabitants, the strata ABC1, C2 and C3 represent 6,348,903 people. The minimum household income of a family ABC1 is $ 1,990,535, calculated as the value of the UF for 9 March. The family of a C2, $ 942,885. The family of C3, $ 460,966. Based on the donation of a family C3, C2 family should donate and 2.045 times the ABC1 family, 4.32 times. Acts

calculations, if the family's monthly income exceeds $ 1,990,535, should donate $ 9701 for each member of your household.

If your household income is between $ 942. 885 and $ 1,990,534, should donate $ 1837 for each family member.

If the monthly family income is between $ 460,966 and $ 942. 884, should donate $ 642 for each family member.

Obviously, we work with estimates in certain values \u200b\u200band among all socioeconomic groups are affected in certain areas of the country, but we bet that corporate donations will offset the uncertainties in the calculation of reference.