Monday, March 30, 2009

Sample Wecome Address

* Social Skills and Tools to facilitate involvement and communication with the person assaulted.
13, 14, 16, 19 - 21h

Relationship between personality and crime. Psychopathic personality.
14, 15, 16 of 11 - 13h

knowledge of sleep and its processes. Factors involved in it. Techniques and tips for sleeping well.
20, 21 and 23 19h - 21h

acquire what and why addictive behavior, how it affects us and how we can combat them.
21, 22, 24 of 11 - 13h

Learn to know and value yourself and how to take advantage in your daily life.
28, 29 and 30 11-13h

Knowledge and management of school problems.
28, 29 and 30 19-21h

* special courses for students of psychology, social work, social education ...

Venue: Training Centre HORECA
c / Perpetual Help # 11, 50006, Zaragoza (zone Goya-Sagasta)

Fee: 25 euros / year. 20 euros
Alumni Information and registration: 655 20 97 42 -

All money raised at the workshops was used only for the projects developed by the association.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cornstarch Rash Baby Face

Send today

The persistence of idol ...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spanish Wedding Receptions

April 2009 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21)

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on 21 March each year. That day in 1960, police opened fire on a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville (South Africa) against the apartheid pass laws, killing 69 people. The General Assembly, in proclaiming the day in 1966, urged international community to redouble its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination (resolution 2142 (XXI)).

In 1979, the General Assembly, as part of its program for the First Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, called upon all States, from 21 March, organized a week solidarity with the peoples struggling against racism and racial discrimination (resolution 34/24).

Zaragoza City Council joined the commemoration on 21 March 1998, coinciding with the inauguration of the Casa de las Culturas. Since then, every year the Department Social Action and the Mayor scheduled a series of actions against racism and in favor of living together the week of March 21

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Canon S5 Vs Canon G10

Justice and Democracy Foundation pays tribute to Venezuelan women

Tuesday, March 10, 2009.
As part of International Women's Day, Justice and Democracy Foundation held a forum entitled "Women's participation in Venezuelan society", which addressed the representation of women in different spheres of society and leadership in the political struggle.

The forum was attended by Flavia Martineau, councilor of the Municipality of Sucre, Cecilia García Arocha, rector of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Monica Mendez, Mayor of San Cristobal, and Fabiola Colmenares, former candidate for mayor of the Municipality Vargas . Each exhibitor

said his experience as pioneers in the country's political leadership and the struggle they have undertaken for the claim and equality of women in society. "Our challenge is to promote gender equality and promoting equal participation in men and women. The fight has to go our relay generations, "said Councillor Flavio Martineau.

For its part, the leadership of the highest home studio, Cecilia García Arocha, recalled the legacy "of women who have been an example of struggle in the history of Venezuela (...) as Anna Julia Rojas, writer Teresa of Parra, the concert pianist Teresa Carreno who are an example of how women have been involved in the development of the country. " "Women continue to fight for a free, democratic and autonomous university, alongside our students," added the academic.

The newly elected mayor of the municipality of San Cristobal, Tachira state, Monica Mendez, expressed his joy with the realization of this commemorative activity, adding that "we know women get together with the people, embrace the needy, as we embrace our children. We exercise our role in social responsibility. "

Similarly, Venezuelan actress and former candidate Vargas state, Fabiola Colmenares, called on the Venezuelan woman to continue the fight for the country "is still a long road ahead, is fighting for those born and for which we were born." He said that the political situation facing the country is a challenge for women and is an obligation to rescue the eight stars and the five colors of our flag. "

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How To Tie Long Shoe Laces

International Women's Day

Today March 8, occasion of International Women's Day be held in Zaragoza various activities, which will continue throughout the week.

emphasize the following:

- 03/08/1909: Demonstration at 12 am. Saser Glorieta exit.

-09/02/09: Performance by Carmen Paris. Auditorio de Zaragoza.

-14/02/09: III Meeting of Associations and Women's Groups in the City.

AIPEM be present at various events related to the International Women's Day by supporting the fight for equality.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What Blush For Skin Tone

AIPEM is a nonprofit association dedicated to the psychosocial intervention for women and children at risk of social exclusion.

were born in Madrid two years ago, and currently have A delegation also in Zaragoza.

AIPEM comprises a team of psychologists and social workers today spend their time to undertake projects to help disadvantaged people.

shortly hang at your disposal our memory 2008 where prodéis know better.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pregnancy Navel Rings

AIPEM Outline of New workshops in Zaragoza

AIPEM Zaragoza done workshops for the general population.
The month of March we have:

- Emotional Intelligence Workshop : 16,17 and 18 from 19h to 21h.
- Sweet Dreams Workshop: 23.25 and 27 19h to 21h.
- Workshop Stress Management and Anxiety : 23.24 and 26 from 19h to 21h
- Job Search Workshop: 16.17 and 18 from 19h to 21h.

The workshops are charged at 25 euros, if the first time you join or 20 euros if you have already participated in a workshop.
All money raised from registration goes entirely to the financing of our social projects.

Workshops will be held at the training center Horeca. C / Perpetuo Socorro, 11 (sector Avenida Goya).
To sign up you can send an email to: