Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ross Kemp On Gangs Soundtrack Jamaica

Hybrid today - No. 3

(This is a series consisting of written instructions to create images that illustrate a pun or vice versa, to create the image that gave rise to the pun. For every game words is a picture and that is where there is an exact overlay of visual and textual. In these cases, an image and text are equal.)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Could Rash Under My Breast Be Shingles

today's song

anyone get too Unicef \u200b\u200bcards this Christmas.

Clarithromycin Bad Taste Side Effects

The fineness of the finite

This month, appropriately enough, the topic is the end plagio.cl.
My text addresses what I think are some ethical implications of the finiteness of life and our consciousness of it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Message Of Thanks Wedding