Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How Long Should I Jog With Weighed Vest

The joy is coming ...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

8 Centimeter Cyst In Kinney

today's song Hybrid Instruction - N ° 2

(This is a series consisting of written instructions to create images to illustrate a pun or vice versa, to create the image that gave rise to the pun. For each set of words is a picture and that is where there is an exact overlap of the visual and textual. In these cases, an image and text are equal.)

Aluminum Propeller Airplane

A vegetarian on the ropes today

In this new column Plagiarism, try to address common questions of those who question my vegetarianism or detect any inconsistency in it.

I think there are basic tresprincipios responses elaborated: Evolution has no owner and no sense, if suffering greater sacrifice can be avoided with a minor, you have to sacrifice, and the search for an absolute result is crippling and ultimately, less ethical.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Gretchen Swimsuit From Housewives Of Oc

A time and a music that, unfortunately, I understood too late.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Late Period Not Pregnant Brown Mucus

Send Instructions Hybrid - No. 1 today

(This is a series consisting of written instructions to create images that illustrate a pun or vice versa, to create the image that gave rise to the pun. For each set of words is an image and that is where there is an exact overlap of the visual and textual. In these cases, an image and text are equal.)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Faint First Line Dark Second Line

Sorry, but I can not help it. They played the same song last night in Santiago, after the first news of the triumph of Obama. It was the song that I figured they would play if such a thing happening: "I believe my shirt is wearing thin and change is what i believe in".

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Genital Piercings Condom

Send Send

This was almost 20 years. What will they think today?

Monday, November 3, 2008

How Long Can Gel Teeth Whitening Be Kept

Obama today and the promise of change

Obama has a plan for withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq, I have very clear what you plan to do in Afghanistan and, on the economic front, it will act as you would any president in your circumstances: urgent and taking clear that the moment is the state that has to put up.

The day after tomorrow's U.S. election seems to have more to do with the symbols with specific content. McCain would not make a vgobierno so different. Spend more time in Iraq, but Obama's plan also includes an instant retreat. However, Obama embodies a "promise of change" is rhetorical as it can only be a proposal that aspect. But the important thing is that is a promise that people believe or want to believe.

shakes and American hegemony has turned against itself, the capitalist economy is facing its worst crisis in eighty years, the foundation of everything that America embodies and liberal utopia are guaranteed to be cracked. In times of confusion and uncertainty, the symbols appear to offer more comfort than specific commitments.

Obama sensed or knew how to read the need of his country and so is likely to win, because in addition to his own figure is an endorsement of this commitment to change. A country that enslaved blacks for 150 years is about to choose as their leader a man of that race.

The triumph of Obama will be the first demonstration of a promise kept. Many more shows are needed and hardly any expectations about him not leading to a degree of disappointment. But that also is a measure of the opportunities open to this man, his country and our world.