Thursday, August 23, 2007

Does Running Affect Getting Your Period

First Justice stands in solidarity with the victims of Pisco.120 boxes were carried about the Consulate General of Peru

Caracas, August 22, 2007 .- Primero Justicia, a donation to the Consulate General of the Republic of Peru, support to all those affected by natural disasters suffered by the Pisco area. Barbara Puglisi, National Secretariat for Family Justice, explained that he gave an estimated one hundred and twenty cases full of clothes, shoes, medicine, diapers, food and personal hygiene products, collected over the past weeks in the municipalities of Sucre, Chacao and Libertador. "We have brought to the neediest people of Peru, a support composed of clothes, food and medicine in order to make it easier for our Peruvian brothers who lost all those things and they need," said Puglisi. First place Justice reported that as many collection points in the squares, streets and avenues in the country so that all Venezuelans who want to provide your donation can do so more easily. Also be placed for collection all the national headquarters held by the Party, the Houses of Justice for All and the so-called "Truck Justiciero" which, it takes weeks through the streets of the capital. Puglisi said who will share a list that specifies which elements are most needed now among the needy people in Pisco, "this list that was presented to us at the Peruvian Consulate will be displayed on all Venezuelans to help interested parties to be punctual and can be found posted on the official website of Primero Justicia. "

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

2 Weeks After A Brazilian Wax

Donate your old books to which we can all look ......

Justice, meaning through the Family Justice Secretary National, held during the months of August and September, this program of collecting books with the aim of helping the neediest people in the acquisition of books for their children, nephews, cousins, brothers or relatives to continue studying, Riding in the homes of Justice for All, mini libraries for consultation of children in the area, so as to help all those who collaborate in this collection.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Is It Safe To Give Dogs Klonopin?

Violence against children and adolescents

More than fifteen years after the unanimous adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child there is much to be done to ensure that children and adolescents are protected from all forms of violence. While we have made progress in establishing the legal framework and although we have many examples of positive initiatives, efforts to prevent and respond to violence against children in Latin America are very shy, especially considering that it is now just one of the biggest concerns entire region.
Latin America Report on Violence against Children and Adolescents, prepared by the organizations that comprise the Regional Secretariat for the UN Study on the same subject, contains a thorough summary of knowledge and experience accumulated by many governmental and NGOs dedicated to the promotion and protection of child rights in the region. Sea
inside homes, schools, streets, or in places of detention, violence often goes unnoticed and has serious implications on the lives of thousands of children also affects their communities. Effective strategies are essential to prevent various forms of violence continue, as well as mechanisms to ensure that when they occur, are quickly identified and that their victims are properly protected and receive adequate support.
In Latin America the situation can be alarming. The homicide rate in adolescents are among the highest in the world. The lack of strong prevention programs, lack of detailed information on the situation of children and violence by state agents become the challenge of overcoming this cycle of violence extremely difficult.
This report represents a valuable input both to understand the seriousness of the box we live in, as the roads that have been found to overcome it. Represents an invaluable contribution to the global study coordinated, but must also contribute a lot in the discussions that we continue to develop in Latin America.
Fortunately, the countries of the region have repeatedly affirmed their unanimous commitment to the defense of children's rights by ratifying human rights treaties. The Buenos Aires Declaration, signed by representatives of countries attending the Regional Consultation on Violence against Children, Buenos Aires 2 005, which was also part of the United Nations Study on Violence against Children and Adolescents, reflects this commitment and points out the importance of a paradigm shift in the region clamoring for commitments by States are urgently translated into action for the protection of children.
While ensuring the protection of child rights is a state obligation, collaboration all, including civil society organizations, research centers and individual children and adolescents is essential. The violence challenges us are many, and require the participation of all. Contributions like this report are of great value and is therefore pleased to invite me to your reading. Paulo Sergio
Independent PinheiroExperto the UN Study on Violence against Children and Adolescents United Nations

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"The state does not assume legal custody of children and adolescents"

The State will not take over the parental rights of children and adolescents informó el vicepresidente de la Sala de Casación Social del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ), Juan Rafael Perdomo. El magistrado, quien funge de coordinador del Proyecto de Reforma de la Ley Orgánica para la Protección de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (Lopna), explicó que esta legislación reafirma el concepto tradicional de Patria Potestad.

Indicó que la norma, aprobada en segunda discusión por la Asamblea Nacional (AN), pondera “la libertad de madres y padres para tener a sus hijos e hijas, para conservarlos, para educarlos, para manejarlos como ellos estiman y desean, y no que el Estado vaya a asumir ese control”. Perdomo explicó que “la idea nuestra, en esta law is to keep the responsibility of the family, society and parents in raising their sons and daughters and never to endorse a third party, even the Venezuelan State. "
(Panorama, Digital Edition, 07/08 - ABN)

Do Coach Buses Have Outlets

Ideology "in educational reform? Family Justice Secretary

The announced curricular reform is expected to be published shortly by the Ministry of Education does not have the support of some experts. Professor of the School of Sociology, Central University of Venezuela (UCV) Amalio Belmonte and the representative of the NGO Asamblea de Educación, Leonardo Carvajal, agree that the Government's interest would be ideological.
"We note that the ministry sees the reform as a process to modify issues relating to the area of \u200b\u200bsocial sciences, that believes that from this area may facilitate the promotion of political and ideological interests of the ruling, "Belmonte explained after a discussion in the Commission Education of the UCV. Several reasons
exposes the Board of Education representative to say that no ideology: the announcement of the creation of the national history, which the minister of culture serve to recover, the official opening of the printing press that can print 20,000,000 annual book, and the statement of Deputy Maria Queipo on the importance of studying at school the thought of Chavez.
(El Nacional, pp. C-6, 07/08 - Mariela Hoyer Guerrero, El Universal, pp. 1-6, 07/08 - GM)