Venezuelan Education "? Cuban, or Education? What's happening?
We are removing the right to decide what education we want for our children and how to educate them.
Why Education?
Because education may establish in the minds of our children, the employer will use to structure their thinking, prioritize their values \u200b\u200band shaping their view of life.
What to do?
Learn, define yourself, contact, be alert.
You Decide.
>> Do you want to delete the free choice of the type of education that your child should receive?
>> Do you want the state is to decide what will make your child in your free time?
>> Do you want your children to play in the war instead of playing alone?
>> Do you know what a single thought?
>> Do you know that the Bolivarian schools in Eastern and Western Plains is a census of children under 12 that can be passed to an indoctrination program run by Cuban agents?
>> Do you know The proposal made by the Ministry of Education and Sport on the draft regulation on organization and operation of the educational community and the Council of participation?
"An ignorant populace is a blind instrument of its own destruction ... "Simón Bolívar
" An educated people will never be deceived "
" Education should not be an instrument of pressure, indoctrination or manipulation but of growth and evolution "
" Education makes you a free man
"We want a FREE
Venezuela indoctrination"
"Justice and equality of opportunity for Venezuelans happens to have quality education for children, no small should be excluded from the education system, we must invest first in Venezuela and Primero Venezuelans in so we can all have a future better. "Julio Andres Borges / 23/06/2006