Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What Would Pokemon Look Like With Geitals

Creating Community Day Mosaic Patio Case

Creating Community Day Mosaics.
Saturday November 4, 2006 - Memorial Paine.

We call on the community, to join in this final stage of the construction of the memorial in honor of the 70 missing Paine. The activity is to support and assist families in creating mosaics representing the absences.
There are many families who need help and there are other absences that do not have their mosaic.


For questions and registration: afddpaine@gmail.com or phone: 8241370

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Vintage Exhaust John Holmes

Public Statement 29. Testimonials


Santiago, Friday, April 21, 2006

Association of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees Executed

Public Statement
The Association of Relatives of the Disappeared and Executed by Paine, expressed his sorrow on the occasion of the recognition of errors in identification of remains for the case Patio 29, of which 11 cases are to our community.
These errors mean the emergence of new injuries, and therefore more suffering in family members directly affected, but also those who have accompanied him for so long.

This leaves us with an inexplicable bitterness and pain, is it that after 32 years, again violating these families who have suffered so much!, We feel cheated and deceived, by which, after all ... They made us believe that those who buried remains, and were regularly visited by their families were their children, siblings, parents, and now after so long, we say they are not who we thought.

demand and need answers!, We demand and we need concrete solutions to cases of disappearance forced occurred during the military government. We are tired of fighting, this is just another blow to the huge efforts made over time to find the missing prisoners. Believed to have found, believed to have you with us, and is now returning to be disappeared.

unfortunate and regrettable error As an unquestionable means reversal of Truth, Justice and Reparation for what we fought so hard, but also a general decline in respect for human rights and the hope that never again to have disappeared, tortured, exiled, etc..

Sadly, all this comes to reinforce the stigma that our people, Paine has been for so long: to be the district most severely beaten during the dictatorship, where the fear is still where the pain persists, and where, with situations like this,'s the sense of helplessness and loneliness that seemed never end.

deDetenidos Association of Relatives of Disappeared and Executed Paine.

That never happens again!

_______________________________________ Juan René Moreno
Maureira 3rd Generation Coordinator
AFDD Paine

8241729-8 3234106

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Blueprints Dessert Eagle

The Association of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared of Paine and Students of History at the University of Chile, are pleased to invite you to attend the activity Testimonials For the Memory. In which they will know what happened to Paine, during the dictatorship, the voices of their victims have been a pain and a struggle for over 32 years and still continues. We will have the opportunity to meet personally with those already in Chile's history. This experience will help us consider how to enforce the debt as a society have with the victim: Justice, Truth, Memory and Repair as effective path towards reconciliation, as well as practical knowledge in society of what are the rights Human. This is critical for the integration of new generations in these areas. Today young people want and are able to participate in building the future of our society.
Monday April 10, Antumapu Campus, University of Chile.
13:30 to 16:00 Hrs. 11,315 Santa Rosa Avenue, La Pintana

Special Guest:
Andrés Aylwin Azocar.
Ex-Member of the Republic, human rights attorney and President of the Corporation "Paine, a place for the Memory."
Organizers: AFDD Paine and Students of History, U. de Chile.
Sponsors: Date (University Student Federation of Chile), Government of Chile, Ministry of Interior, Human Rights Program, CED (Centre for Law Students, University of Chile), Centro de Estudiantes de Agronomía Universidad de Chile .

Activity Presentation
Testimonials for Memory is a project born from the motivation of a group of students History of the University of Chile to work for the Memory of those who were victims of human rights violations committed by the State of Chile during the military dictatorship and that these events never happen again. Today

when they have spent more than 32 years since it happened, there is still pain, fear still exists, even there is impunity. In these situations we can not be indifferent, we must face past wounds, but still remain open. This encounter with memory, a bitter memory, a memory that shames us as a nation, can not be carried out but with the aim of finding a solution emanating from the community, to clarify the facts, seek justice, and perpetuate memory and consequently raise awareness of what are human rights in practice for a social life in which they are observed mainly by the state but also by each of the people.

However, the task is difficult, there is much ignorance and indifference to these issues, that is irresponsible to the future and development of our own society, lack of community interest requires us to bring this encounter with the report where we believe it can bear fruit and generate awareness: the University community.

With the experience we gained during this activity at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Chile, we are confident that if we take these stories for Universities and Colleges are required to generate awareness that students are more willing to solve our social gaping hole through the memory and knowledge of what happened in our country.

In summary, The chief goal of this exhibition is to rescue the memory issues have been gradually abandoned, to avoid being forgotten what happened in Chile 32 years ago, taking into account that the memory is the great way to understand what happened and for these situations never happen again. However, open debate and discussion of how we confront the past to look to the future within the context of the great wound, still open, that our society suffers.
The exhibition consists of two parts: The first is the presentation of testimony from relatives of victims of enforced disappearances and other crimes committed during the dictatorship to the community, along with one or more presentations art. The second part is a forum where the entire community is invited to exchange views on what is heard and the issues that have to do with Human Rights violations and how to address them through the report, Justice, and social redress. To guide the discussion, the exhibition will feature the presence of three people who are directly related to the work for human rights through justice, art, education and memory. Testimonies


This project is organized by Students of History at the University of Chile in conjunction with the Association of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees Paine.El memory Testimonies project is framed within that group projects by carrying their testimonies to universities and to know what happened to Paine during the military government, as well as ongoing motivation of activities in honor of their missing relatives.

Among the objectives of this group, and the projects developed by the 3rd. Generating it, is to create awareness through different means of work to do each person so that these tragedies do not recur. Educating for Human Rights, and to perpetuate the memory live, to involve society in the activities, etc.

History students we are committed to support these ideals through Memory, something that concerns us as students of "Collective Memory and also shows us how people related to future work on the report.

The History teaches us, and unfortunately our history we are embarrassed, but we believe he has left us a lesson that we should not forget, we must work as a society to these events never happen again and we must assume that work consistently and responsibly if we recognize as part of this society and country.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Limiting Reaction In The Synthesis Of Benzocaine

For The Memory "Ultimately, the culture of life always wins and always wins"

Last Activity Public ex-president:
Ricardo Lagos visit the Paine Memorial.

Thursday, 9 March 2006, Former President Ricardo Lagos visited the Memorial for the Disappeared of Paine, in what was his last public activity before delivering its mandate to President-elect Michelle Bachelet.

The activity was observed, with the guidance of Juan Leonardo Maureira, the model of memory, and some of the tiles already completed that will go in this great work.

President Ricardo Lagos thanked the Association of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees Paine's the way they have been healing the wounds that resulted in its members the Human Rights violations of their loved ones during the military regime.

So said today the president to visit the memorial built in remembrance of the 70 victims who did this district during the operation of the Armed Forces, as of September 11, 1973.

On the occasion, Lagos highlighted the ability of the bereaved cope with the pain stop this loss and turn it into force and to fight to happen never made the arrest, torture, disappearance and death of persons committed during that period.

"With the way we all have faced this tragedy, the way you have faced the pain, and pain have become a force able to continue fighting for living life, and how then each activities that you have emerged have done so with a positive sense of turning something that is a tremendous personal and collective tragedy, a chance to draw strength, first to anymore (are given these facts), but second, to sing a hope that life continues. By singing this hope is making the best of tributes, "said the head of state.

During the meeting, Lagos was accompanied by Interior Minister Francisco Vidal, and Public Works, Jaime Estevez.

Under what was his last public activity on the ground before handing over command this weekend, the President stressed that "this group, like many others, have turned pain into strength, the injustice of yesterday have become a reason to fight anymore; the need to continue the memory is to tell the story of Chileans in the morning, so it does not ever happen again. "

"I know some people, who at the time were involved in these events, continue to circulate," he said, but stressed that "the way that the group has dealt with this is exemplary and they decided to create this youth orchestra of the grandchildren, I think it was a remarkable way of understanding how those who cultivated the culture of death, here are answered with the culture of life, because ultimately the culture of life always wins and always wins. "

The memorial, created by artist and architects Alejandra Ruddoff Iglesis and Leopoldo Jorge Prat, is a metaphor for the profile of a forest of thousand posts heights varied wood suspended in time, built to remember and recall a story he wants to stay in the retina of each pedestrian, motorist or driver who sees it from different angles, and not to repeat the events of pain experienced 33 years ago.

Thus, the proposal called "Forest typographical" occupy the entire field and generate a large air profile evokes the ridges. Of the total enrolled in orthogonally pillars, 70 will be removed so that these spaces of 2.8 square meters, the elaborate mosaics families in memory of each of the disappeared in this community.

In the center of this monument, called "A place for memory, an agora is built to house meetings and other events and setting a mall linked to the agricultural purpose of providing a parking area shade and shelter. (UPI)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Where Can I Read Dragon Ball Z Doujin Online

New Generations at Work by Human Rights
Memory, Justice and Reparation.
"The integration of new generations is a key factor in perpetuating the memory and keep it alive"
's been 32 years since the first people who disappeared after the military coup led by Augusto Pinochet in 1973 in Chile. The love that their families had for them was the driving force in a process that began with the hope to have them back alive, but that turned into a struggle for justice, and the memory anymore.
Those mothers who did not hesitate to take to the streets to ask "Where is my son? , Those widows who faced marginalization and discrimination such value that they knew to get ahead in search of their husbands, but also in raising their children. Those children with their strength demanded truth and justice, those children who innocently wondered what happened to their father or mother. Brothers who did not rest with the repressions, denials and responses. All are worthy of our deepest admiration, because they are an example of courage and bravery are an example also of conscience for society, love, strength.
That work has had huge fruit, but not yet finished, have made enormous progress in justice and memory, of Human Rights. Today society finally accepts the truth of what happened to our family to shame and bitterness, there is a general repudiation of those responsible for such pain. However, there is still no widespread awareness of the social level that meant torture, exile, disappearances and human rights.
is why the integration of new generations is a key factor in perpetuating the memory and keep it alive, not only generations of relatives of the Disappeared, but generations of the whole community engage in a work memory and the never simply be awareness of what such attacks meant to aid humanity means to work for Human Rights.

is necessary that young people today are not indifferent to the living process as their mothers, fathers, grandparents, because therein lies today's society is formed, a society that is the daughter of the dictatorship, but denies his progenitor, and that aspect needs to be done incapié. It is essential to generate instances in which the community can express its condemnation of those responsible for so much crime, but also his respect for the victims of repression, including themselves in that concept of "victim" because ultimately we are all victims more or lesser degree of dictatorship.
Our group is working on it, in 2006 was an activity called Testimonies Memory in conjunction with history students at the University of Chile, and as a result of such activity, the community Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Chile (where the activity took place) was more interested and committed to work for awareness on issues of Memory, Justice and Human Rights, that means a great achievement of our group, but also of them, the youth of our country.
Therein lies our ability to project our work that has been 32 years ahead, through the new generations, as we have seen, if you give them opportunities to participate, do so with spirit, bringing innovative ideas and a committed work for a more just and egalitarian society where there is the bitter events occurring during the dictatorship, can overcome the ravages of time and forgetfulness.