Thursday, December 8, 2005

Weddings Subjunctive Spanish


Homage to the Disappeared in Colonia Dignidad .

On Sunday December 4 2005, with heavy rain that symbolically cleansed the land stained with the blood of people made to disappear in this place, AFDDs of Chile paid tribute to the Disappeared in the area. We shared a pleasant journey with the Association of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared of Talca and learn more about the tragedy in Colonia Dignidad.
The day before, Saturday 3, the meeting was part of the bill creating the Institute of Human Rights and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance expressed by the representative FEDEFAM in Chile.
The Relatives of Disappeared Detainees continue fighting and working ...

That never happens again!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Labia Stretching Image

National Meeting in Talca. Celebration

AFDDs Meeting in Talca (3 and 4 December)
Following a line of working together, this next weekend we again reuniresmos Partnerships Relatives of the Disappeared in Talca, to address issues such as the new Institute of Human Rights, among others.

In the last meeting were made prior arrangements for the preparation of a document that would lead a joint statement AFDDs of Chile regarding the Human Rights Institute. This task will be continued at the next meeting.

AFDDs also designed and created the mosaic of 3 missing prisoners of Paine, who have no family, which will in the future Memorial to remember the 70 victims of Paine.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Mandingo An Whitewife

Memory: 27 Nov. 2005

November 27, 2005, in 12:00 to 18:00 hrs.

We tell everyone that we want to hear, that in this area hit by the repression, life is lived with love and resurfaces in múltimples forms, songs, colors and music!

going to celebrate and reconnect with our history!

invite you to play and create together in various activities:

Flower Carpet, making mosaics for Paine Memorial, Lunch collective exhibition of the Project and child painting, music classical and folk and a beautiful experience with relatives of the missing prisoners of Paine and Chile.

WHERE? September 18th Avenue to the south access future Santiago / link Paine (future highway) where they build the Memorial of the Disappeared and Executed by Paine.


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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Life Expectancy For Serious Copd

Saturday 26 and Sunday November 27, 2003:
National Debate "AFDDs" on New Institute for Human Rights Day Creating Mosaics for the new Memorial.

On Saturday November 26, representatives of organizations relatives of the disappeared in the country discussed positions and proposals regarding the creation of new human rights institute, bill currently under discussion in the Senate.

is essential that these organizations are always present in the struggle for human rights take active role in the establishment of national human rights institute, a group of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees handled a broad knowledge about human rights but also have shown to implement that knowledge.

Also on Sunday 27, the same groups involved with families of missing prisoners of Paine, in creating the mosaics to be placed in the Memorial that will be the largest in Latin America, which will remind the 70 victims in the area, besides being a symbol of struggle for truth and memory. The memorial represents the continuation of a conflict unresolved in Chile, but also the continuity of memory.


Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Brown Discharge And Burning

AFDD Paine

Association of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees Political executed Paine.

According to one of the projects of the 3rd Generation, we start this BLOG as a first step to creating a Web site.

The Association of Relatives of the detained two Paine Missing [1] , accordance with its objectives and ideals, has led a relentless struggle for Truth, Justice , the repair and Memory , in relation to human rights violations committed during the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.

Of the seventy people killed in the Paine, shows a wide branch generation, which inherits, inevitably the pain of the absence of a family member. This branch is currently composed of more than 1000 people in total, counting from mothers, even grandchildren.

Under this situation, the AFDD Paine, has been concerned to perform their work inter-generationally, that is, including all generations involved in family conflict that arises after the disappearance arbitrary one of its members.

The AFDD Paine is now chaired by Juan Leonardo Maureira Carreño, during AFDD s periods Paine has been reactivated and implement a series of projects that are now beginning to bear fruit . Key examples are: The creation of a children's orchestra Relatives of the Disappeared, creating the largest Latin American Memorial, Meetings with other Country groupings, among others. 3rd Generation has also recently expressed its intention to apply a series of projects which include: Creating an Historical Archive, Creating a Web site, creation of educational materials on Human Rights, among others.

AFDD Today Paine is recognized for his work, and perseverance in the fight for Truth, Justice, Reparation and Memory ...

That never happens again!

[1] E n hereinafter AFDD Paine.